SAFETY DRINK Why safety drink? It is made up of a lot of Ayurvedic things which helps in prevention from virus or any other infections. It makes our body capable of facing that unwanted particle that is harming our body. This drink helps to build up our metabolism. LET’S GET INTO THE RECIPE Ingredients needed 250 ml water(for serving 1 person) 2 clove 4 -5 tulsi leaves 2 tsp of turmeric powder Pinch of black salt Some pepper some honey for taste Some amount of carom(ajwain) Half a lemon Process: Step 1:Take water in a container. Put it on the stove and add all these ingredients. (accept Lemon and honey) Let it be on till it boils up and take it off the stove and strain it in a glass and squeeze half lemon in and add some according to your taste. AND it is READY TO DRINK😍 A person should have it thrice a day.
YOU can get the different recipes which you can make at home .....